A complete solution for voltage fluctuation. Fully automatic.. Voltage stability is essential for all costly equipments for its smooth functioning. It is used in computer centers, colour labs, laboratories, scanning centers, factories, operation theaters etc. BrightStar servo stabilizer provides a constant out put voltage of 240v -450v."

There are two models of BrightStar Servo Voltage Stabilizers are available.

The first model is Standard (160-270V).

Second Model is Wide range (120-270V)For single phase working range

In Three Phase Standard model working range(280-450V) and  Wide range (240-450V).

Two models: -

Standard (160-270V). Wide range (120-270V) for single phase working range from 90 V
Standard (280-450V). Wide range (220-450V) for three phase working range from 180 V
Maintains constant voltage output 230V for single phase and 450V for three phase


* It act as a guard for every electronics equipments.
* Quick, steady and accurate correction of voltage output 230V for Single phase and 400V for Three phase.
* Despite load current variations - Balanced output voltage.
* Irrespective of input imbalance.
* Fully automatic.
* Reduces heating and minimizes losses.
* Over Load Protection.
* Constant temperature maintained by oil or air cooling system.
* Boost-up copper transformer based model.
* Digital display for input and out put volt & irregularities.
* By using servo stabilizer we can improve over all production quantity and quality.
* In medical field, it is must for getting accurate lab test results.
* Overall energy saving - above 98% efficiency Increased life of your equipment.
* Compact in size, etc.
* Custom made servo voltage stabilizers available as per customers requirement.
* Some of the extra adoptable features are Bypass Mechanism (change over switch) Inbuilt Isolation Transformer, Time Delay, Wheel mounting and copper transformers' 

Typical Applications :- Which is commonly used in places where controlled and constant voltage, like Hospitals, Laboratories, various life saving & testing equipments, pharmaceuticals, Research Institutes, Data Processing Units, Food Processing Units, Offices and residences/ housing apartment etc..

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